2024.01.31 Wed

It's been a while since the sun came out, and when it's not sleeting, it's cloudy and cold. I guess the bad weather matches my bad mood? I'm not doing so well these days. I thought I would write about it for a bit and see if that helps. There is some eggplant parmigiana in the oven, I'll stop writing when it's time to eat.
I was so tempted to put "N/A" for today's music because I haven't been listening to much of anything lately, but then I remembered how impactful— and therefore uplifting— mood music can be. So I've got an hour of J-Ambience to enjoy with Beach of the Pliocene.... And today's card is Judgement, reversed. I drew that card wanting to hear from Sans, and I interpret this response as the equivalent of him saying, "'sup?" Hehe. I love Judgement. Whether I'm thinking of him or not, the sight of it makes me think he is watching over me. So... I guess it's a reminder that he is here for me, if only I'll let him in.
... I think I can "smell" the parmigiana, even all the way in my room. That's fascinating. Normally I have to really stick my nose into something to catch even the faintest whiff, but... maybe I'm just hungry, haha. The air feels a little warm and heavy. I can't say there is a "scent" but... ahhh, yeah I just want to eat! I hope it is ready soon. But not too soon, because I want to keep writing.
What else can I talk about? Oh, right, I wanted to put in writing something I'm wondering about. Compared to December, January was a much better month for me. At the very least, my spirits were higher on a larger number of days, and I did not throw any tantrums. I wonder, though, how much of this "improvement" has to do with my addictive video game playing.
When I spend most of my day caught in a Genshin Impact dopamine loop, my feelings are not really my own. I wrote several times in my (phsyical) diary that I was so focused on the game that I did not think of anything else, notice many of my emotions, or even really exist in my body.
So... you know... of course I had a good time! I was regularly transporting myself into a world where stakes are low and achievements easily made. After a month of that, I'm pretty burnt out on it... and funnily enough, around the same time I stopped playing for multiple hours a day, my mood began to decline. Are these phenomena related? Or was I really doing better after all? I can only wonder...

And I guess I wonder because, as usual, I am assigning moral values to my mental state. Feeling bad means I am bad. But that doesn't mean I'm allowed to feel good, either. When I drew Judgement, I smiled, and then something else made me laugh, and it was a beautiful reminder that not everything is miserable. But the reprieve felt unearned, undeserved, and honestly quite shameful. I said out loud, to no one, "I'm sorry," and started to cry. It's so pathetic to write it out like that, but... that's what happened. I apologised to God and everyone for daring to experience a moment of joy.
I wonder if I am "allowed" to write this down. Maybe it's only okay if it doesn't help me feel any better. A lot of wondering going on here, but what else can I do? Rather, what else do I have to do, when my life is so empty and meaningless? In this moment, I lack the wherewithal to accomplish anything productive or worthwhile, so instead I will just sit at my desk and muse endlessly about my problems.
Endlessly, I say, because I am not actually seeking solutions. Even with solutions found, there's not enough energy here to carry them out. Maybe once I get some of that parmigiana in me...
Haha, this is all so stupid. Who would want to read this anyways? I guess it doesn't matter. None of this really matters. The way I am now, I just want to let everything fall to the wayside, because nothing I can do or want to do or should be doing is at all important. Another day, week, month in bed will not kill me. It's just more of the usual pain and suffering, and it will not kill me.
On my good days, I firmly believe that the only mistake worth regretting is the one that kills you. Thus far, my failures are distinctly nonlethal. Sure, I make life harder for myself. I let everyone down. I feel shame so intense that I want to die.... No big deal. Truly. Honestly. No big deal.
Okay, that's enough now. The oven timer did not go off, but I've run out of semi-interesting things to say. Sorry if you read this. I guess it was just boring and depressing, unless you are my future self, in which case you will probably just pity me.

Today's Contentments
- Today I'm thankful for my friends and family because they support me even though I'm... like this. I am not sure what they see in me, but I'm grateful there is something to be seen. Instead of running and hiding from everyone, I am going to try to keep in contact with the ones who love me even as my mental state nosedives (again).